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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who wears contact lenses? I do! Why? Because I can actually afford them now and so can you :)

Gotta love going to the club to have some fun right, but did I ever actually go? No! Going to the club and getting my dance on rarely happened because I was not about to go flip my hair back and forth, have my glasses fly off my face and wack someone else's then hit the ground and break. How embarrassing and what an annoying pickle I'd be in.

I get my searchin' on online for some contacts for the first time a while back and about almost had a heart attack when I saw the prices. I think I did get one for a good minute after I saw the price for the astigmatism ones I needed. Really wished I lived closer to Mexico to just quickly drive by and get some there. Gotta love how cheap you can get stuff in Mexico for lol. Unfortunately Mexico wasn't really an option so I got on a mission to tear up the world of contacts online until I found some affordable ones. After searching for a good while, seeing the same price range, I called it quits and was going to just pay that large amount but decided to check around for one more minute and bang, I found a great site :). A little bit of search work pays off well, literally. I saved $30 bucks! Toric (astigmatism) contact lenses run around $74.99 per box like on which supposedly offers lower prices than other companies. PFF! Lies! At I got my contacts for $45.99 per box. I got my contacts in about a week and loved them! :). Oh yes, My hair has been flipping back and forth at the club since I received them :) If you wear or want to purchase contacts, definitely check out that website. Waaay better prices:). Don't forget to order a case and solution along with your contacts but incase you do, don't worry, any pharmacy/drugstore should have them available for you stop by and quickly pick them up :).

Click here to visit

Have no idea what color would look good on you? No worries. Freshlook lets you digitally try them on:)
Try them on here:

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